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Washing machine

Washing machine

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Washing machine

The washing machine is undoubtedly one of the essential household appliances in every home: although it is distinguished by its characteristic longevity, its energy consumption is not exactly low, and for this reason, should the need arise to make a new purchase, it is necessary to evaluate multiple criteria capable of facilitating the choice, shedding light on what are the most modern and advanced technologies.
The energy class is the first factor to be evaluated, although it is also necessary to consider the so-called intelligent functions, which not only allow you to control load, time, and spin, but also and above all consumption. In the end, a few simple 'preventive' considerations can lead to an adequate and valid purchase with extreme certainty, thus perfectly meeting all kinds of needs.
Washing machine and energy class
The energy class of a washing machine, as for any other kind of household appliance, is among the first things to evaluate, paying particular attention not only to the washing class, but also to the class strictly related to the spin cycle. The best class for washing machines at the moment is the so-called A++: such a choice can make all the difference, especially when it comes to particularly energy-intensive devices. However, doing the washing during the evening energy band can also be useful, as it allows considerable savings in terms of consumption, especially if programmes and load are also monitored upstream, favouring Eco cycles.
Size of the washing machine
A feature of the washing machine that must also be evaluated is undoubtedly its overall dimensions: on the market there are particularly slim models, up to 33 cm and with front loading, alongside low models of about 50 cm ideal for integration in the kitchen under worktops or in the bathroom and able to replace the canonical types with dimensions that are often out of reach, such as those that define the classic 60 x 60 x 60 module. Usually, unless you have special needs, it is always better to direct your choice towards standard washing machine models as they are significantly cheaper than the new slim ones.
Washing machines and advanced programmes
All washing machines nowadays, in addition to the classic standardised programmes such as those for washing cotton, synthetics, delicates, whites, darks, colours, cold, have a large number of advanced programmes, indicated both for special fabrics such as jeans, duvets, shoes, and to facilitate subsequent ironing, avoiding the formation of creases.
It is particularly important, however, that so-called short cycles of around 14 to 40 minutes as well as specific eco-consumption/water programmes also appear to supplement these programmes. Some advanced models offer special programmes that are particularly effective in terms of washing, even at low temperatures, thanks to the use of steam or air. Not very energy-efficient, they are nevertheless not 'must-haves' for those who want a conventional washing machine.
The latest generation of washing machines also have very advanced functions that make it easy to visualise energy consumption according to the set programme, even before starting the wash, determined according to weight, load and level of dirt. They also offer the possibility of customising all washing parameters such as time, spin and water heat to further optimise the energy used. If, however, the real priority is savings, it is advisable to choose washing machine models with a direct connection to hot water: this is because if the washing machine does not have to heat the water itself, it will automatically consume much less.
Fast/Eco/Cold programmes
Modern, advanced washing machines are, as already mentioned, equipped with programmes designed to help save energy: these are short, low-temperature or so-called Eco cycles. However, short programmes, which can last between 14 and 44 minutes, may not be suitable for actually washing clothes, but rather for 'refreshing' them. Washing at low temperatures of approx. 15 to 20° is nowadays one of the best solutions as it provides optimum washing results thanks to special functions such as steam or bubbles.All of them now have Eco functions and programmes that, depending on the type of laundry, allow less wasteful washing cycles to be set: in fact, the washing machine, thanks to the presence of special sensors placed inside the drum, weighs the laundry and is able to calibrate the washing according to the amount of laundry, dirt and type of fabric. Models of this kind are more expensive, but this investment is amortised by the substantial energy savings. The so-called delayed start is also a great way to save money: this function allows the washing to be programmed, for example by setting it in the economic energy bands, thereby optimising costs.
How to choose a washing machine
There are several factors to consider before buying a washing machine: first and foremost is undoubtedly the power of the spin cycle, expressed in revolutions per minute, which is the capacity to remove water from laundry. Obviously, the higher the number of revolutions, the drier the clothes will be after washing. Currently, the average standard of washing machines offers around 1,000 revolutions per minute, which is enough to guarantee excellent results.
The noise level of the appliance is also an important factor, although not so fundamental in the choice of washing machine: currently most models available have a noise level of around 100 decibels only during the spinning phase and are equipped with a "silence function" for those who prefer to programme washing during the night.
It is also important to assess the capacity of the load, especially if the needs are typically those of a large family: standard washing machines normally have a capacity of around 8 kg, but you can easily reach up to 15 kg, suitable for a very large family as well as special loads consisting of duvets and blankets. However, it should be borne in mind that the larger the load, the higher the consumption, especially if the washing machine is not used at full load. Generally for a single person or a simple couple, a washing machine with a 3 kg load may still be sufficient.
Washing machines
Inverter motor washing machine and conventional washing machine
In recent years, numerous models of washing machines with inverter motor have taken the market by storm. They are able to guarantee superior performance compared to traditional models. They limit spinning noise, promote the stability of the appliance and are able to guarantee minimum energy consumption, thus saving up to 20% more on your energy bill.
This is due to the fact that the inverter motor is so quiet that it can also be used at night, which saves a lot of money.
Unlike traditional washing machines that use the movement of brushes to power the motor, inverter washing machines are equipped with an electrical control unit capable of optimising energy consumption, producing the classic oscillating movement of the motor: this results in a quieter operation and less deterioration of all the mechanical components that make up the washing machine, making the appliance itself last longer. It is therefore better to go for the purchase of a washing machine with an electronically controlled Inverter motor as the advantages and benefits go well beyond what a conventional washing machine can actually guarantee.
Washing machine or washer-dryer: which do you prefer?
If the idea is to also buy a tumble dryer at a later date, then a so-called washer-dryer is the preferred option, especially if the home does not have the space to accommodate two large appliances: the washing programmes in the washer-dryer are, however, always fewer than those available in a conventional washing machine. In it, the maximum washing load is greater than the drying load, so a full load will necessarily require at least two drying cycles. Furthermore, it must be borne in mind that garments must be spun at least at 1,000 rpm during continuous washing, but always take care not to put in delicate garments which could be affected by the spin cycle.
Washing machine: selection criteria
Before making the fateful choice of the most suitable washing machine for individual needs, many factors must be considered and weighed up, comparing the various models and obviously weighing up their prices. Here, then, is what to think about before buying a new appliance, bearing in mind that the size of the household and what the personal needs may be must be assessed.
The washing machine consumes a lot of energy and is a long-term investment that needs to be amortised in some way. It is therefore better to favour a functional energy class such as A++, for example, which can significantly reduce consumption and still save money in the long run.
The functionality of the spin dryer is important although it is not a decisive criterion for choice: a spin speed of approx. 1000/1200 rpm is sufficient to guarantee a semi-dry wash and optimal results.
Controls and display
Today it is possible to say goodbye to the classic controls consisting of a plastic-coated rotary knob: the new state-of-the-art models make it easy to visualise consumption and manage advanced functions, generally presenting a large display with a touch panel thanks to which each wash can be customised. It is therefore finally possible to actively intervene in the operation of the device, optimising washing modes and reducing waste.
Detergent drawer and dosage
Attention must also be paid to an often underestimated detail: the detergent drawers. Traditionally divided into three trays for detergent/softener/additive, today they are often replaced by ingenious systems that allow optimal detergent dosing. The typical drawback of the old trays is precisely the difficulty in dosing the detergent correctly. Some modern washing machines have a feature that is able to suggest the correct amount to use simply by inserting the laundry in the drum.
It is then weighed and, once the level of soiling is set, the appliance itself sets the optimum amount. Other models, on the other hand, have as many as two tanks, for detergent and fabric softener, from which they draw the quantity of detergent needed for washing with an autonomy of 20 to 40 cycles. Thanks to the presence of a specific function, it will be the washing machine itself that will clean the same tanks once the supply has been used up.
Washing programmes
It is also necessary to check that the washing machine has, in addition to the classic washing programmes dedicated to white, coloured and delicate garments, functions related to short washes for less dirty garments, echoes able to save on both consumption and water consumption, and last but not least the so-called intelligent washes able to independently customise the cycle according to the weight of the load and the level of dirt.
Many washing machines also have special programmes such as sanitising or suitable for effectively washing trainers, blankets and so on. However, care should always be taken as these programmes mainly involve three factors, specifically temperature, spin cycle and time, which can alternatively be set independently using alternative programmes. same result, even without a programme, by setting the parameters manually.
Inverter washing machine
Safety systems
Last but not least, it is necessary to consider the safety systems that the washing machine has at its disposal: these are particularly widespread even on standard models, thus preventing malfunctions and flooding. Not to be missed is the so-called anti-flooding or anti-overflow system, which is able to control the amount of water in the drum and in the event of an excessive load or in the event of a malfunction, immediately stop the supply, starting the drain. The anti-foam system, as the name suggests, on the other hand, prevents the excessive accumulation of foam, avoiding all hypothetical problems related to clogging.
 The door lock system is essential and now present in all models, as is the anti-baby system, which locks the washing machine's controls so that the child is unable to make any changes to the set programme, risking damaging the washing as well as the clothes.
Washing machine maintenance
Correct maintenance of the washing machine is relatively simple: the manufacturer's instruction manual is supplied with the appliance, which contains all the most useful advice and tips aimed at ensuring the appliance's longevity. It is important to always use specific detergents, preferably liquids as opposed to powders that could generate encrustations in the long term. It is fundamental to use an anti-scale able to preserve the mechanisms and periodically carry out vacuum washing cycles, taking advantage of the many specific products available, aimed at removing dirt and residues from every gasket and internal component, starting from the basket.

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