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Domestic sink waste disposal

Domestic sink waste disposal

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Domestic sink waste disposal
Waste disposal is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most debated topics of recent years: this is because the environmental impact and the situation in which the planet currently finds itself, is now more than ever a burning issue due to a reduced sensitivity on the part of man who often forgets the importance of safeguarding the nature that surrounds us, even if only through small precautions to be practised within the home. However, the spread of new technologies has made great strides and today it is possible to take action oneself, reducing waste production by installing and using a domestic rubbish disposal or disposer.How the garbage disposal works

The domestic rubbish disposal or disposer is today the most practical and effective solution to permanently eliminate the storage of organic waste in the home. The waste, commonly called wet waste, is in fact food waste and all products considered biodegradable or otherwise compostable. It is normally stored in the special bins provided by each municipality for separate waste collection, and is then collected on designated days and times by the waste collectors.

This rubbish is commonly recycled in the form of compost intended for cultivation and fertilisation of the soil, although in fact, the territory does not appear to be fully equipped and it may happen that in certain cases, the disposal itself is a real problem, This is because the fermentation of organic waste tends to cause the formation of toxins that are potentially harmful to health, and as if that were not enough, domestic storage can still end up attracting unwelcome animals, insects and parasites, just as happens in landfills where bacterial proliferation and the colonisation of potential disease-carrying animals is unfortunately a rule.

The rubbish disposal makes it possible to overcome all these unpleasant problems, reducing the production of rubbish by the household to almost zero, and allowing the household to actively contribute to the protection of the Planet, avoiding the overloading of landfills and also saving on taxes, especially in places where the actual production of waste is counted using a special magnetic card.
What the waste shredder or disposer is for

When considering the purchase of a rubbish disposer, it is advisable to be fully informed about the device in front of you and its capacity to dispose of organic waste in the most ecological and efficient manner: this is one of the first concerns of those who wish to acquire this type of appliance with the certainty of selecting a truly functional model.

What makes the rubbish disposer so advantageous is undoubtedly its concept: it is designed to be able to eliminate in a simple and immediate way, all the materials that commonly tend to infiltrate inside the sink drain pipe as well as the organic material normally collected in biodegradable bags for separate waste collection. By simply inserting the organic waste into a special nozzle in the sink, it is shredded and quickly disposed of through a prepared pipe system. Recent statistics show that a large proportion of waste is precisely organic material, which could be easily disposed of on its own thanks to the use of this type of device. Therefore, using a domestic rubbish disposer does not mean using it to dispose of all kinds of waste, because the introduction of inorganic or undifferentiated waste could irreparably impair its functionality.

The presence of internal rotating gears supports the running water as well as the cleaning of the pipes, facilitating the circulation of liquids by the device and thus maintaining a clean and perfectly hygienic environment. The most advanced and state-of-the-art rubbish disposals make use of the latest mechanical instruments and rapid disposal systems that, combined together, allow for the total disposal of organic compounds, with the advantage that it can be used in total safety by every member of the household.
Features of the garbage disposer

The rubbish disposal or disposer is a device created at the beginning of the 19th century for reasons related to practicality and cleanliness: the internal system that characterises it is the result of multiple experiments that over time have led to the creation of increasingly sophisticated models that are perfectly capable of disposing of all kinds of organic waste, including any animal bones.A banal cylindrical or cubic shape, it is true that only apparently would not make one think of particularly advanced technology, yet manufacturers, precisely to comply with increasingly stringent government regulations, have studied for a long time in order to be able to produce safe and increasingly efficient models, capable of being used not only by catering professionals but also by the average consumer, without risk and with extreme immediacy.

The new models can be easily installed below the sink, so that all kinds of material flowing into the faucet drain can be filtered out. The presence of circular blades and discs capable of rotating at different speeds, thus allowing the rapid passage of food, which in turn is conveyed towards special walls that cause it to pulverise. Together with the discharge chamber, these structural elements are particularly important as they are directly involved in the shredding of organic waste and its subsequent disposal by means of special pipes. Knowing the holding capacity of the discharge chamber is important as it allows one to establish before purchase, the amount of waste that can be easily disposed of during use.

The rubbish disposer is in fact a household appliance that operates at its own pace, even though it may sometimes have specific settings that optimise its performance: however, it cannot generally be subjected to unlimited quantities of food waste, precisely to avoid clogging. Also not to be underestimated when purchasing is the motor, which enables the shredder to overcome the resistance of the solid waste placed inside.
What can be disposed of in the domestic waste disposer

The waste disposer, as can easily be seen, must therefore be used judiciously, as it does not allow the disposal of all kinds of indistinct waste. Plastic, glass, wood and metals, for example, cannot be placed inside it: these are materials commonly used for packaging such as cans, plastic bags and sacks, which in this case must be sorted for the common separate collection in order to allow the appliance to function properly, without jeopardising its integrity.

The rubbish disposal is designed for the rapid elimination of oily compounds, waste from cooking food, bones, seeds and any other kind of element that inevitably tends to end up inside the drainpipes while washing dishes and which in this case is instead stored and disposed of in such a way as to avoid the formation of unpleasant odours inside the home. However, the differentiation also applies to organic waste as it has different consistencies and physical characteristics and may require equally different disposal times by the mechanical system.

While small foodstuffs such as organic material greasy with oil and gravy are among the easiest products to dispose of, bones, fruit peels, pieces of cartilage, fall into the category of organic elements that can still put a strain on the motor's shredding capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on devices that can guarantee total efficiency in the disposal of all kinds of organic waste.Types of shredders

Constant technological development has ensured that the major manufacturers have created rubbish disposal models that are always ready to adapt to the different needs of the consumer: from being a niche tool, initially intended for the catering industry, today this appliance has inevitably become part of millions of homes around the world. There are many models of rubbish disposers available today. Here are the main ones to choose from.
Manual Garbage Disposal

The manual rubbish disposal is the successor to the now obsolete models, which is nevertheless suitable for those who have the need to take advantage of the controlled disposal given by the need to recover waste materials as compost for the garden or vegetable garden, by manually operating the tool. This appliance does not in fact feature particularly advanced technology although it is perfectly capable of disposing of waste on a par with an automatic device.
Automatic rubbish disposal

The automatic rubbish disposal is undoubtedly the most marketed device on the market, as it is easy to use, easy to handle, quick and extremely safe. Among the many types are electronic devices that allow easy interaction with the appliance, with a clear view of its operation. Often operated by means of analogue or digital buttons, it is nowadays the most suitable tool for all kinds of requirements.
Professional rubbish disposal

Although most of the waste disposal devices for domestic use have over time reached such a technological development that they can be used on a par with real professional tools, for professional kitchens in the catering industry, the focus is on models that, in terms of capacity and shredding capacity, considerably exceed the performance of the commonly used domestic models, being more suitable for the disposal of large quantities of organic waste. In fact, they differ in the presence of more efficient motor bodies capable of easily supporting a considerably higher and longer workload, without being damaged by wear and tear.

Each model, therefore, has its own characteristics that can differentiate it from the rest of the devices: power, capacity of the discharge chamber, shredding speed, arrangement and types of blades provided, are undoubtedly essential components that make it easy to distinguish and define the efficiency of such an appliance when choosing.

Waste disposer
Equipment and accessories of the garbage disposer

In order to give room for customisation, so that each consumer is able to adapt this device to the needs of the domestic environment, the rubbish disposal, in addition to the many features that distinguish each model, has a series of accessories that allow its functionality to be easily adapted to each situation of reference or use.

The long fringes, for example, are designed for all those sinks that have a considerable thickness and for which it is necessary to use an extension that can connect the drain opening to the waste disposal system itself. Some certainly noteworthy accessories are the specific pipe system that allows the interception of organic material, proceeding to a subsequent optimised shredding: there are in fact models specifically designed to be integrated with such a system, guaranteeing a double shredding of the material itself.

Among the extensions that cannot be lacking in the kitchens of those who only have a few minutes to use the rubbish disposal, there are cables available that guarantee the possibility of installing switches placed in strategic positions, aimed at activating or blocking the device at will, proceeding to discontinuous shredding.

In addition to all the mechanisms aimed at optimising the performance of the rubbish disposal according to the reference situation, there are also products and liquid organic compounds available to facilitate the disposal of waste of particular sizes or with specific physical characteristics, such as fish bones or fish bones, or even sticky water-repellent materials. These make it easier to direct food through the blades, promoting its disposal and preserving the device itself from damage caused by wear and tear and prolonged use.
Cleaning and maintenance

In fact, the rubbish disposal does not require much cleaning or maintenance. Despite this, however, it is still necessary that the gears, being in close contact with food and foodstuffs of all kinds, are preserved from the presence of residues that could lead in the long term, not only to blockages and clogging but also and above all to bad odours and possible surface regurgitation. In addition to the classic automatic cleaning by means of the water flowing along the pipes in the system, it is always advisable to at least dedicate oneself to a superficial cleaning, concentrating on the inlet through which the food is introduced and subsequently conveyed in the direction of the blades.

Therefore, there are advanced models equipped with self-cleaning systems, which help the system with routine automatic maintenance, usually consisting of small additional metal blades that, through an inverse rotary movement to those of the main system, help in the removal of any food residues that would otherwise stay inside the gears.If, however, the chosen model does not have such a self-cleaning system, it is always a good idea to periodically check that the blades are really clean, free of any abrasions and perfectly aligned with each other, since a different position would inevitably lead to malfunctions compromising the integrity of the rubbish disposal.

By unscrewing the cap that connects the rubbish disposal to the sink, it is usually possible to easily access the blade compartment and remove any kind of waste by means of special hooked sticks. If, on the other hand, you have more time and need to carry out more thorough maintenance, it is necessary to periodically lubricate the blades, using specific products, always after having carried out thorough cleaning using a strong and intense jet of water or air, capable of removing any particle or small incrustation, often present in areas particularly difficult to reach.

operation of garbage disposals
Rubbish Disposal and Legislative Decree 16/2008

Often the consumer is led to be wary of the waste disposer, caught by the doubt as to whether the installation of such a device is legal or not: obviously the answer is yes. Installing a rubbish disposer is perfectly legal and this is established by Legislative Decree 16/2008, specifically paragraph 4 of Article 3 of the Civil Code, which warns against the introduction of material into the domestic sewage system, with the exception of organic material.

This legislation therefore authorises the possibility of installing a rubbish disposal in one's own home, despite the fact that some areas, especially condominiums, hinder its use. In order to be certain of being able to use a disposer in the event of problems or recalls from the authorities in the area, one simply has to get information in advance from the condominium administrator or the competent municipal office: generally there are no problems whatsoever, since using a disposer is still an operation aimed at facilitating the mass disposal of organic material, which is normally the responsibility of the municipalities.  It goes without saying that the use of a rubbish disposal is usually recommended rather than hindered, in the interest of the environment and the entire community.

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