baraza 1pf100slve Floor Gas cooking Filotop

Barazza Gas Filotop 1PF100SLVE 100cm Stainless Finish

Tax included

2 gas + 2 fish gas + triple crown

aISI 304 stainless steel with high thickness

  • grids and spartifiamma: cast iron
  • recessed: 98×43 cm – threadtop (v. SCHEDA TECNICA)

    Burning powers:

  • 2 auxiliary: 1 kW
  • 1 semi-rapid: 1,75 kW
  • 1 quick: 3 kW
  • 1 triple crown: 3.8 kW
  • Filotop (FT)Filotop (FT)
  • Incasso bordo piatto (IBP)Flat Edge Incasso (IBP)


    Three fire crowns that make the best and evenly use the power of the flame for the benefit of rapid and homogeneous cooking. GRIGLI GHISA

    In cast iron, such as those used in professional kitchens, are particularly solid, heat resistant and therefore durable. They transmit and keep the heat better. Special rubbers guarantee stability by eliminating the risk of scratching the floor. The LAB series is also available in the elegant version with stainless steel grids and spartifimma.ECO-FIAMMA

    The heat burners stabilized with high heat efficiency plate supplied with gas stoves Barazza, optimize energy consumption and reduce the emissions of toxic substances by more than 50% compared to the regulations. FUTURE IN LINES